NYTC Day 5

I know I said not until Monday but we are all better now and I’m back on track. Yesterday the whole family had a stomach virus. I had a fever and took tons of ginger so skipped all the stomach part of it. I just slept all day and helped with the littles.  No workout. I only ate good healthy food, but it wasn’t FYM supportive since I didn’t make sure I had protein. Protein is hard to digest with the flu.

Since I missed my workout yesterday there was this extra post-it on my calendar just hanging out looking lonely.


Today it was 65 degrees! So I did today’s workout right before picking up kids from school. Took my recovery shake and went to the store. Then did 20 minutes of running/walking intervals outside. So that lonely post it is down with his friends 🙂


Breakfast was 2 soft eggs and a whole Gala apple.
Snack was a Detour protein bar.


Lunch was a supportive taco salad:
2 cups fancy lettuce; 2 oz black eyed peas; 2 oz ground turkey; .5 oz shredded cheese; 1/4 cup Jack’s salsa; and fresh cilantro. I would have had more beans and meat but it was the end of the leftovers.


Lunch was all fluff and I got hungry pretty fast. So I had 6 oz of Greek yogurt with stevia and powdered dregs from the freeze dried strawberry bag. Yum!

After workout snack was a shake: 1 cup almond milk; 1 scoop prograde workout; 2 Tbs cocoa powder; and 1 cup frozen strawberries. This did not sit well with me and reminded me that I had recently been ill. But the feeling passed in an hour or so and I got to keep it 🙂

Dinner was a pizza stir fry. The rest of the family had cheese or pepperoni pizza from Aldi.


I’m so tired of my body that I was hardly tempted. Mine looked much better.



I’m off to family worship with lots of tempting snacks. I’ll give the stir fry recipe when I get back 🙂

Pizza Stir Fry:
1 Jennnie O turkey Italian sausage link, casing removed
1 cup organic petite whole frozen green beans
1 cup mixed fresh red onion, red pepper, and mushrooms
1/2 cup spaghetti sauce
Saute the sausage and veggies together until done. Stir in sauce until heated through. Enjoy!


Family Worship was fun! 5 families get together every month to have a fun child centered Bible lesson and craft and snacks. Our group has been going for 15 years so the kids have grown up together.


This week’s lesson was from Proverbs about the ant and working hard.


They watched a you tube video about real ants working. And read from the Bible.


They did a puzzle of the scripture and every child had a piece. Just like each of us has an important job to do or the world misses out if we don’t do it.


And they each made an ant from painted egg cartons, pipe cleaners and google eyes to take home and remember.


These were my snacks: Chicken enchilada dip and chips with Jack’s salsa, almond flour zucchini bread, cheese and a cracker, deer jerky, and some puppy chow. I’m a big fan of the chow and got a little more. This was my calorie rich PI for the week. It will help keep my metabolism going since my calories have been otherwise low all week.

Here’s my nutrition data not including snacks tonight. I don’t know how to begin calculating that!



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3 thoughts on “NYTC Day 5

  1. Cheryl says:

    Hi Angela! I find your posts so helpful, especially for meal ideas for a FYM. Thank you! My question is this….how can I get a helpful little chart that calculates my calories and nutrition like the one you posted? Or did you fill it in by reading all of your food labels? Not sure I’d take the time at each meal to do that……plus, how do you calculate foods made from scratch (like your GSP recipes?) Thanks! And great job! 🙂

    • Angela says:

      Cheryl, I use myfitnesspal to calculate all my stuff. It is free and has a phone app so I can use it anywhere. Most foods are already in the data base, but if you have a recipe, there is a special place to enter that in. I just take a screen shot of my personal page there to get it on my blog. easy! You’re going to love it.

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